Fat Dissolving

What is fat dissolving?

Also referred to as ‘non-surgical liposuction’. Fat Dissolving injections contain Deoxycholic Acid (DA), a synthetic version to replicate the DA found naturally in the body. Fat Dissolving treatments permanently destroy fat cells under the chin to improve the appearance of a double chin and your overall profile. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they cannot store fat again.

What does Fat Dissolving treatment involve?

At Cosmetic Effects, a full consultation is completed prior to your treatment. This includes us performing a thorough assessment to determine whether the treatment is suitable and for us to understand your concerns and work towards an achievable goal.

The treatment time of Fat Dissolving is 1 hour and involves injections into the skin using a fine needle. Topical anaesthetic cream and ice is applied prior to increase comfort. After the injection, the area can feel warm like a sunburn. This is temporary and settles shortly after.

When will the Fat Dissolving treatment work and how long does it last?

At Cosmetic Effects we recommend at least 2 treatments to see optimal results. Fat Dissolving treatment can take up to 6 weeks to notice the effects treatment intervals are 6 weeks apart. Results are permanent in that double chin fat cells are permanently destroyed. An appropriate lifestyle including diet and exercise is recommended to maintain an optimal appearance and ensure the results of the treatment are permanent.

What are the side effects of Fat Dissolving injections and is Fat Dissolving safe?

As this treatment involves an injection, normal side effects such as bruising and tenderness can occur, lasting a few days. On some occasions, bruising can last up to 14 days. This does vary and can be as a result of your aftercare. Swelling is to be expected on the day and to become more intense within the next 24 hours. Severe swelling is to be expected as it is an indication of the treatment working. At Cosmetic Effects we say, the more swelling the better!

It is important that during the consultation all medical/health conditions are identified to ensure a safe treatment outcome. Fat Dissolving injections will not be administered if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Breast Feeding
  • Planning a pregnancy within the next 3 months
  • Have certain medical conditions
  • On certain medications
  • Infection to the treated area
  • Have had or planning to have plastic surgery, liposuction to the face
Before your Fat Dissolving treatment

Some advice to consider before your treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
  • Avoid blood thinning medication (unless prescribed) for 3 days prior. This includes fish oil, multivitamins, aspirin, ibuprofen
  • Any treatment for a major event, treatment is recommended 4 weeks prior
After your Fat Dissolving treatment

We recommend following our aftercare guideline for an effective result and to avoid severe bruising or infection.

  • No application of makeup or other skin products for 4 hours
  • No rubbing of the area for 24 hours
  • No exercise, swimming, spa, sauna or sun tanning for 24 hours
  • No facials, massaging or other treatments to the treated area for 4 weeks
  • Avoid blood thinning medication for the next 24 hours. Paracetamol is fine
  • Avoid alcohol for the next 24 hours


Treatment for forehead lines, frown lines, crows feet, brow lift, lip flips, smoker lines, smile lines, jowl lifts, chin dimpling and chin reduction, jaw slimming, teeth grinding (bruxism), migraine treatment, excessive sweating and hayfever treatment

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Dermal Fillers

Treatment for cheek contouring, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, filling in smile lines, filling in marionette lines, chin enhancement, jaw contouring, hydration to the skin and to the face with the application of skin boosters, décolletage and hands

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Nefertiti Lift

Non-surgical facelift to help lift sagging jowls, soften marionette lines and contour the jaw. Using anti-wrinkle injections the treatment relaxes lower face muscles to achieve a lower face lift resulting in a younger more rejuvenated appearance

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PDO Threads

Skin tightening treatment that targets improvement to skin texture by stimulating collagen production. A great treatment option for improving skin rejuvenation, elasticity (sagging skin) and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

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Skin Boosters

Hydrating filler designed to hydrate the skin with pure Hyaluronic Acid. Injected to restore hydration to the face, scars, fine lines, decolletage, neck and hands. Also known as a Hydrafiller or Skin Booster

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